Summer Picnics

Summer Picnics

2016 Summer Picnics schedule

  • Sunday, June 12 at Cedarcreek at 11:30 am
  • Sunday, July 10 at Lake Altoona County Park – picnic shelter at 12 noon
  • Sunday, August 14 at Cedarcreek at 11:30 am


We fire up two huge charcoal grills, everyone brings a dish to share, meat to grill, beverage and eating utensils.

This a great time of food and fellowship.

Sand volleyball is a favorite and the kids have fun playing on all the great playground equipment.

Baptisms are also held in Lake Altoona.

If you’re interested in taking this step of faith, go through the “Baptism Study Guide” from the foyer literature rack, then talk to Pastors Mike, Rob or Mark to schedule when you’d like to be baptized.

Please bring:  dish to share, meat to grill, beverage and eating utensils.

Pick  up a parking permit in the foyer the day of the picnic.

Flexible guide: (crockpot foods are popular)

A-G = pasta/potato salad

H-M = fruit/veggie tray

N-S = dessert

T-Z = chips & dip

We had two summer picnics in 2015 on the beautiful Cedarcreek grounds.

2011 June campfire and volleyball 0072011 June campfire and volleyball 006

After the picnic, we toured the 10 acres the church recently purchased adjacent to our property.